Minggu, 01 April 2012

Bad Impact Smoking for the Students..!!

Adolescents tend to have a great curiosity. Studies show that students are more likely to smoke than adults. Moreover, based on the latest research says that teen smoking is increasing every year. In general, they claim to have started smoking between the ages of 9 to 12 years.
Currently there are 1,100 million used tobacco in the world that 45% is still a student. 2025 is expected to grow to reach 1640 million adolescents. Each year, an estimated 4 million people died from tobacco-related cases. Based on the report of World Health Organization (WHO) in 1999, some 250 million children in the world will die from tobacco if tobacco consumption is not stopped immediately. According to a survey on some of the school in Jakarta, each student at his school began to recognize even tried smoking by 40% as a percentage of current smokers made up 35% of men and 5% women. And based on continued monitoring of the students who smoke it as much as 25% Drop Out. Smoking habits for students began because of a lack of information and misunderstanding of information, advertising or seduced seduction consumed friends. Obtained from the questionnaires Heart Foundation Indonesia as much as 77% of students smoke because it offered a friend. So that without them knowing it undermined his berlahan poison. Dangers of smoking to students which can increase the risk of lung cancer and heart disease at a young age. In addition to the health of the skin three times more at risk there are wrinkles around the eyes and mouth. The skin will age prematurely or so-called premature aging. In terms of reproduction, smoking at an early age can lead to impotence and reduced sperm count in males and reduced fertility in women. Do not think smoking can help relieve stress during exams. Medical evidence shows that smoking is not calm. This is only a temporary effect of nicotine that gives a sense of calm for a moment. After that if you're done smoking stress will be back again.
But if you already smoke, find time to stop as soon as possible of the bad habits. Remember all the bad effects of smoking because of the dangers of smoking to students far more fatal.

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